has anyone ever just known?

Did you ever just know or have a feeling of when your baby was going to arrive? With my oldest i told everyone that we werent making it to her due date and i was right. She was due 7/20/11 and was born 7/12/11. With my soon to be middle and only son i told my mother that we had to get him a halloween costume because he was going to be here for halloween. she said i was crazy because he wasnt due for over a month but we got him a costume anyways. He was due 11/17/12 and was born 10/19/12, 4 weeks and a day early. With this baby and my second little girl i looked at her daddy and said shes going to need a Christmas dress because she will be here by Christmas. Shes due 1/21/17, so we shall see if im right again in about 14 weeks or so.