When are you having your baby shower?


I live in the north east and am due 03/18. Just wondering when you ladies are having your showers? I'm worried that it may snow in January and February is cutting it close. Obviously December is pretty much out of the picture because of the Holidays. What are your plans?
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Posted at
I'm due 3/17. I can't really have it in January because I'm attending two weddings (in one of them) and many of my friends/ family will be there too. So either very end of January or early February but I'm also worried it'll be cutting it too close. Also not doing November or December because of the amount of wedding showers and holiday events going on. 


Posted at
I'm due 3/31 and I decided with my gf's who are helping me host, that it will be 2/5. I wanted it to be after the holidays and before v-day :)


Kiandra • Sep 12, 2016
Mine also


Posted at
I'm having mine in November when I'm in town visiting my family for thanksgiving. Super early, but that's ok!


Denise • Sep 13, 2016
Mine too


Wendi • Sep 12, 2016
Mine is November too :)


Posted at
I'm having mine in December but that's because I live 2,000 miles away from family and won't be traveling to them again after Christmas. 


Posted at
I am actually quite surprised everyone is having it before. I'm probably not having mine until mid April. I won't be finding out the sex of the baby so would rather wait, plus everyone just wants to see the baby not me lol


Erin • Sep 13, 2016
finding that it is more common, especially in second or third pregnancies. Some day it's bad luck to have it before the baby is born (I dont believe in that stuff though).


Marie 🍼 Pregnant with #2 • Sep 12, 2016
That's actually probably very useful. Is it common in Canada to have a baby shower afterward?


Erin • Sep 12, 2016
should note I'm from Canada so maybe it's different?


Posted at
My husband and I are visiting his parents in Arizona  in December when I finish school for the semester and are having a shower down there and then Are having a shower where we live in Iowa at the end of January. I'm due March 22nd!


Alyssa • Sep 12, 2016
That's awesome :) it's the day before my birthday and actually my step dads birthday!! I'm hoping baby comes a week early though lol


KC • Sep 12, 2016
I'm due the same day yay! 😍


Posted at
Im on having one before the baby is born if its a girl because i have 2 boys but if i have another boy i will be having a "tea&greet" my birthday is early February so if im having a girl i will do a baby shower for my birthday this year :)


Jay • Sep 12, 2016


Posted at
We just started to tell everyone last week so no one has offered to host one yet. I'm due March 9, so thinking mid- to late-January to give a little gap after the holidays. 


Kaylyn • Sep 11, 2016
I'm due the same day! I'm having mine Jan 28th


J • Sep 11, 2016
I'm due 3/11 and this is our plan as well.


Posted at
I'm due March 25, having my babyshower on the 6th of November 


Posted at
I'm due early March my mom and sister were thinking new years day since people will be around from Xmas and new years so just earlier in the day.