idk what to do?!😅

I was talking to this guy that lives long distance from me(3 hours away) and he truly started out being very nice and respectful. We got into an argument and he stopped talking to me for about 2 weeks than came back asking for a second chance. I said yes because I know people screw up. We honestly were like best friends the second time around until he just stopped answering my messages. We got into a "who is right" argument and we both apologized to eachother. So, We agreed to just be friends after clearing everything up.. I told him I got asked out to coffee by a fellow college class mate and he lost it! He told me to go have fun and do whatever I want because he doesn't care.. I told him I said no to the date, but He never claimed me as his so I assumed it wouldn't matter(I have had feelings for him since the beginning, but he's more physical than emotional. I told him I liked him and it didn't work, so friends was easier than nothing) and I asked him what we were and he blew it off than stopped talking to me . I have felt horrible ever since the conversation. Today would have made a month since I last heard from him and he messaged me and I told him I can't emotionally take the games. I liked him, but the walking in and out is taking a toll on me. I said he needed to be there or to please leave me alone and I got no reply. Is he afraid of commitment? Why does he keep coming back? Does he like me more than what he's saying because he's never told me he had any feeling for me? I don't understand he hasn't unfollowed or unfriended me on social media. He's just there and then he's gone. Should I send another message to him? Should I just leave it alone and let another month go by? Should I wait for him to message me?Â