sigh. anyone having a tough time?

This is month 5 and I am just barely realizing I think I've been way off on my ovulation cycle. I'm so mad at myself for not paying closer attention to my own body and the signals it's sending me. Now I feel like a total failure because what if I was doing this whole thing wrong for 5 fricking months and blew all those chances! AHHHHHHHHH!  To make matters worse, the day I think I ovulated was way off from glow and I tried to contact my donor on that day but he was "unavailable"! The whole process has me frustrated. I feel like my clock is ticking and everyone around me was just or is now pregnant and I want a baby, too. Not just to have one but I know I'll be an amazing mom.  If anyone else is feeling down or frustrated, can we please support each other? We haven't "come out" about ttc to many so I don't have support, really. Thanks ladies. Baby dust to us all!