Weight Gain

Hi ladies! New to this group and need a little vent.
I'm due with baby 3 March 5th, my oldest will have just turned 3, my youngest will be almost 2.
I didn't lose all he weight after Jenn (little), I had about 8lbs to go and I'm already up 12-14lbs at 15 weeks. I few huge and not bump huge but leftover fat and skin that isn't held in anymore. 
I work out 5 days a week, chase after my littles and eat fairly healthy, but just feel bad about my look right now. Hormones don't help. Generally, when I'm feeling bad about my body, I purchase new clothes to fit me and remember it's clothes not me that have issue, but I'm still struggling now, and can't buy clothing because there is so much change to still happen to my body.
Anyways, can't wait until it's baby and not fat 😊