still in pain

I was in serious pain 2 months leading up to giving birth from severe sciatic nerve pain. it was horrible. I was even doing physical therapy. 
because of the pain I wasn't able to spread my leg out far enough during delivery (wasn't able to get an epidural because my water broke before I got to the hospital and because of that they only checked me for dilation twice in order to not introduce bacteria, the second check I was at 10cm) 
I pushed for two hours.....and all that pushing and not being able to have my leg as wide as I should've, I broke my tailbone!!! 
so now almost 3 weeks later, I can barely sit down! I can't sit in the brand new recliner in the nursery, I have to lay down only on my sides and getting up from any position is painful. can't wait til it heals!!! anyone else break their tailbone during labor?? I didn't even know that could happen