Why is gender discovery so important?

Why am I "crazy" for not wanting to know the gender of my unborn child? Every other post on here is someone trying to find out if they're having a boy or girl and that's great-they want to know. I don't. Why does that make people gasp and ask "why not?!" I LIKE not knowing. I've had 3 children (I'm pregnant with #4) and I have waited to find out with 2 of them and we found out with my second... and I HATED knowing. People said I would "bond more with the baby" and I could "plan more" etc etc. I already had one baby so I already had most of what I needed and knowing I was having a girl didn't make me bond more, it just made me know specifically who to be annoyed at when my rib got kicked. I have 2 girls and 1 boy now and I have hand-me-downs for both genders... how is finding out the gender of my 4th going to "prepare me" more? If God wanted me to know the gender of my unborn baby before birth, He would have made my stomach turn see-through during pregnancy. Let me enjoy the mystery and surprise of waiting and stop calling me "crazy"... please.