2nd chemical :(

So it seems I'm having another chemical pregnancy. I'm a wreck. Yesterday (wed.) everything seemed fine-- I called my OB in the am to tell him about the pregnancy, and he brought me in around 3pm for 1st round of blood work (took a urine test which showed positive) and a discussion to calm my nerves. Hubby went too. Doc scheduled me to come back Friday for the follow up  blood work  o see if my hcg levels were doubling. Even scheduled us for a 6 week ultrasound.  Well.... Last night I got up to tinkle around 2am and my boobs weren't sore anymore at all (same way my last chemical started) and then upon waking up this morning, my temp dropped a good bit. I took a test and the line is barely noticeable. A significant change from 2 days ago. (See pic, it is the last test- undated) I knew it was happening again. I called my clinic to inform them that I think it's happening again and they are still waiting on my blood work results. Said they would call back when they get them and see what the doc thinks. Still waiting. Not sure where to go from here. Haven't started bleeding yet, but I know it's coming. (Thankful to have a wonderful, understanding boss who let me take the day off.) I hate this. Getting pregnant isn't the problem; it's staying pregnant. I want to get every test under the sun done to figure out what's causing this. I don't want to wait until my next positive hpt cycle to see if it possibly fails again. I'd rather take the necessary steps now.