Has anyone had a miscarriage without showing any symptoms?

I got a positive pregnancy test July 29th. I had an ultrasound done at 5 weeks and 6 days. Saw a heart beat and everything. Now at 8 weeks and 2 days had another ultrasound and there was just an empty sac. But no bleeding, and no cramping. I have to decide by Thursday on if I want a d&c done. So hard going through, and so hard to wrap my head around things.
I had a d&c done sept 16th. A week later I had my post op appointment and we got the okay to start trying again! Doctor is hoping we are able to get pregnant within the next 8 weeks. She said that's my best chance of getting pregnant and things working out how they are supposed to, with a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Fingers crossed!!!!!💘