Hospital Visitors


My Fiancé & I have decided that we don't want anyone (family or friends) at the hospital on the day of my induction/our baby girl's day of birth, this Thursday. We told everyone they can come the following day after 9am. Unfortunately, there's people in the family, especially his family, that are really butt hurt over it with it being his first child & he is the baby of his family & his family has been to the birth of all the his other brothers & sister kids births & blah, blah, blah. Since we don't want them there the day of delivery they act like they don't even want to meet the baby at all now 😕

My mom is butt hurt too cuz ever since I got pregnant she's been assuming that she would be at the hospital & in the delivery room with me, idk where she got that idea.

I remember what it was like having my first one, he wasn't born til 9pm & I didn't want anyone in there for at least an hour after he was born & people started coming in around 10 & they wouldn't stop coming til around 1am. On top of that people were bringing small kids & the adults & children started fighting over who was gonna hold my son next. I just wanted so bad to just tell everyone to go away & give me my baby. I carried him for 40+ weeks, I labored with him 14hrs, I wanted to hold my DARNIT! But I didn't want to be rude or offend anyone so I let it carry on til everyone FINALLY left.

Well, this time I ain't gonna put up with it & my Fiancé already said he'd put his foot down if needed when things start getting to overwhelming for me & the baby.

I really don't want my mom bringing her foster kids cuz they don't ever SHUT UP, even when one is trying to talk the other one talks over one, they constantly argue, & they're gonna wanna hold my new baby & I don't really wanting them to hold my baby.

I don't know what to do cuz like I said my mom is already butt hurt over not being able to be at the hospital delivery day & then if I tell her that I don't want the kids there I have a feeling things definitely will NOT go over well but those kids just stress me out to no end.