painful sex

Has anyone ever experienced painful sex? I've always been smaller so it's always been a little difficult trying to get it in, but after it gets going a little then I'd be fine. But for the last year, it's been abnormally painful. Sometimes I can handle it, but sometimes I can't and I have to stop. I don't know what it is but I feel like extra dry (even if we use lube) and it feels like a sharp pain or something like a stinging/burning feeling. It's like it literally won't go in. I thought it could have been endometriosis, but my gyno said I'm fine. I don't get it. Does anyone have advice? Or has anyone had this same issue?
I'm on the pill and have been on the same type for at least three years. I also have a history of random little cysts that last maybe a week, sometimes a couple weeks, but they clear up on their own.