vaxing while pregnant???

Dymend • #8 Jaxon Christopher due 11/24 🙌🏼 Rae 14- Liy 13- Bird 12- Maine 10- Tay 9- Sa 3 RIP Sevyn 7-4-15
So how about as they were taking my blood the lady cleans off my arm and goes to inject me with something and I stopped her and I'm like yo what is this she like oh this is the tdap shot the vaccine for whooping cough for your baby. First of all you didnt even ask my permission.. She said oh the doctor didnt talk to you about it? No cuz shes aware im a non vax parent. Second, all these kids i got i have NEVER heard of nor received a vaccine for my baby WHILE PREGNANT. You were about to inject me with a communicable fucking disease while im pregnant without my permission. Have u lost your mind? 
Like unbelievable. Ive never ever ever heard of that and its never happened to me before im steaming upset. 
And before all you provaxxers start lecturing me- please save your breathe. I respect your decision and what you do with your child so respect mine. I have my reasons- nothing will change my mind. Just like nothing will change yours.