Airplane crash

πŸ’€ZombieπŸ’€ β€’ 19. ♏. NOT TTC πŸ™…. Athiest. Pro-choice. Feminist. 🌈 Ally. Democrat. Bitch πŸ’. Forever alone virgin 😭. On Wednesdays we wear PINK. Talk to me, i dont bite... much.

I've seen a couple posts along the lines of "who do you serve dinner to first, husband or kids" "who comes first, husband or kids" so I thought of this one:

If your plane is crashing, who do you put the mask on first?

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Posted at
Unpopular opinion: Yourself. Can't help anybody if you don't help yourself first. It takes 2 seconds.


AnyaπŸ•‰ β€’ Sep 16, 2016


Kait🌱 β€’ Sep 16, 2016
That's what they tell you to do on the plane too!


E β€’ Sep 15, 2016
Exactly. You can't put it on the kids if you pass out before you can put yours on.


Posted at
As cabin crew, please put yours on first. You can't save anyone if you're hypoxic and delirious, or passed out. Also please listen to the safety demo. 


Elodie β€’ Sep 15, 2016
Tell me about it!


πŸ’€ZombieπŸ’€ β€’ Sep 15, 2016
people are idiotic sometimes, I swear, lol


Elodie β€’ Sep 15, 2016
We weren't even in the bloody air yet!


Posted at
Have you never been on a plane before? You put your own mask on and then help others around you. You won't be much help to your child if you're hypoxic. Though the odds of needing masks on a plane are very slim. 


Posted at
These 2 don't compare at all lolOn an airplane you are suppose to put the mask on YOURSELF first. Only because if you pass out, how will you help your child put on the mask? So yourself first so your awake to save your kids as well.


WM β€’ Sep 15, 2016
Thank you. I was going to say the same thing. If you follow the instructions it says to put yours on first for a reason. What good are you if you're passed out.


Posted at
It's always yourself. How can you help anyone else if you're starved from oxygen. This is literally stated in every emergency landing briefing before takeoff. 


Posted at
Myself. I'm not much help to anyone if I'm dead. Then my kids. I like to think my husband can reach his own quickly without my help


Posted at
I put child and remember now that the plane says you first lol


Erika β€’ Sep 17, 2016
Yeah if you do your kids first, you'll be too delusional to put yours on, where as you can put a mask on a delusional child πŸ˜‚


Posted at
Since it is said before take off you put your own mask on before helping anyone else, I think at this point your point is moot. Sine the safety regulations are already in place. 


Posted at
Put the mask on yourself first so that you are cognizant enough to help your children. Even if you put their mask on first and then you pass out, who is going to help them?


Posted at
Any airline will tell you to place your own mask on first. You can't help your husband or your children if you pass out. But then after my own mask, I would help my children. Their father is an adult. He can put his own mask on.