What are your thoughts? ??


I think they got my due date wrong 😑

I got switched from the Hospital to a birthing center yesterday and got informed that my conception date was January, 22, 15 according my ultrasound in March.

So that makes my last period in Dec,21st which was my normal cycle length of 3 days instead of in Jan,21st which I bleed for 7 whole days (yikes )That was not normal.

So which due date is correct! ?!?

September, 26th,September,28th,or October, 28th???

The birthing center doesn't do deliverys until 37 weeks and up so i need to know if I should go back to the hospital or not .

If I do deliver this month my son will be considered a Premmie because they won't change the dates unless I have proof that they're wrong..