Funny story...

So I was supposed to start my period on Friday but I was hoping I wouldn't since we were going on a trip. So I was glad when I didn't start. But then on tuesday, I was in class when I gasped, My friend was like tf was that for and I just whispered, "I'm late" she was like what? Late for what? I looked at her and was like omg I'm late for my period what if I'm pregnant.... and she goes... wtfh is wrong with you your a virgin.... oh ya.... the today I was like Yaya maybe I won't start untill next week HAHA BITCH NOPE YOU GONNA HAVE NIAGARA FALLS YOU AIN'T GONNA BE ABLE TO BREATH WITHOUT HAVING TO CHANGE YOUR PAD HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So ya. Fuck.