worried about unintentional weight loss

I'm pregnant with my second. I was very sick with my daughter, but the unisom/B6 combo worked well. Right now, I've been making it through without throwing up for the most part, but nothing works to stop the nausea, and I have no appetite at all. I've been trying to have a high protein breakfast. Bacon for sure because it's the one thing I can stomach, sometimes eggs too. I usually have apple juice too. Something for lunch, not always a big lunch though. I've had roast beef or a bison burger for dinner this week. Things like that... yet I lost 3 pounds. I couldn't handle a dinner tonight, so I snacked on crackers and granola bars. I know everything I eat might not be the healthiest choices, but I'm eating what I can stomach. I'm not sure how to make this better! I've tried unisom/B6, sea bands, and preggie pops.