Sex offender in the family


Okay y'all so I really need some advice on this. I'm obsessing and can't find any help on the internet. So I just had a baby boy, Oliver who is now 2 months old. Well I also happen to have an uncle, my grandmother's brother, who is a registered sex offender. I always knew this and was always somewhat cautious around him but really didn't pay any mind to him, just stayed vigilant around him. Well ever since I gave birth to my son, I've been super anxious about him being around at family gatherings. My family all acts like its fine and pushed me to introduce my son to him and my grandma even had him hold him without asking. Well so many red flags went up and I went into super mom alert mode and idk how to explain it but the entire situation made me uncomfortable. Anyway I guess what I'm asking is, does anybody have any experiences similar to this? Like what I should do or say or if I'm overreacting about not wanting him to be around my son ever. Also I forgot to mention that he was charged in 2005 for indecency with a child- sexual contact. 11 year old boy. And just the thought of him being around my son infuriates me. So please any advice on the subject would help big time.

So sorry for the long post or if it's a dumb or touchy topic but I am desperate for some advice and would appreciate any words of wisdom on how to handle the situation. Thank you in advance!