23/09 Cycle buddies?

Hi there :) 
I'm due on 23rd. Been TTC for 6 months. Cycles are usually 23 days without fail but since taking norethisterone for 2 days to delay my AF in July for my wedding it's been longer so I'm assuming it's 28 days this time. Only had a 2 day AF This month with a 2 days gap and 2 more days of spotting, v strange. I really hoped it was implantation but BFN :( I've been testing using the cheap ovulation dip sticks but ran out for 2 days and really hoping I ovulated one of those days else I didn't ovulate this month :( but my charts looking good.. Didn't BD those days because I was away but did around them. 
This is my first month tracking my CP and really I'm guessing!
I'd be really interested to see other people's charts?
 And yes I took a pregnancy test after my fertile period as I thought I hadn't ovulated and hoped I was preggo!