Scalp the Indians

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)
This was done by a school in Oklahoma. I'm Native and honestly feel they stepped out of line with this one. I'm not sure if their homecoming committee did this on their own or if they had it approved, but I think it's pretty tasteless
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Posted at
WTF IS THIS!?!? Somebody needs to be reprimanded for this one. 


Posted at
On behalf of the people here who are not Native American. Im sorry you have to see this on here and on anywhere else. It hurts to know people have no compassion for others in this sense!😖


Ash ★★★ • Sep 16, 2016
As do I.


✊🏾 ✊🏾 ✊🏾 ★★★ • Sep 16, 2016
i stand with you as well!!✊🏾 ✊🏾 ✊🏾 ✊🏾


Posted at No to "scalp the Indians". No to the other team presumably being called "the Indians". all around. 


Kaleigh • Sep 16, 2016


Kaleigh • Sep 16, 2016
I think it was the administration's call. I'm not sure if anyone in particular made us change it. Just to add, as a matured adult, I definitely understand why the mascot was offered


Kaleigh • Sep 16, 2016
At first, being the immature person that I was, I thought it was stupid and didn't see how offensive it was. But in the book, the kid goes to a school and at a pep rally, kids are doing the war cry, wearing headdresses, and had war paint on their faces and the Native American student felt insulted because the students had no clue what those gestures symbolized. So, that made me realize how offensive our name was, so I accepted it


Posted at
Yeah that's really offensive. I have no idea who would approve such a distasteful display. My daughter came home with a paper bag and feathers to make a Thanksgiving costume last year. I tossed it in the trash and took her to a family friend whom is in a tribe locally. He gave her many textiles and beads so we could actually show respect to our heritage.


Posted at
I'm assuming it's the other team's mascot name. Having said that, this is crazy out of line. Those fools better have lost privileges. 


Posted at
This is disgusting!😖


Posted at
That's so disgusting 😤


Posted at
Really bad judgment call here for whoever okayed this😑


Posted at
This is revolting. It's 2016, right?!


Posted at
Definitely distasteful! Ugh!