My birth story


Almost a month later im ready to tell my story. (Long post sorry)

I was supposed to be induced at 7pm on august 17th but baby had her own plans. That morning of the 17th at 2am i got up to pee and went to lay back down, i swear i wasnt even in bed that long when all of a sudden it started to feel like i was peeing my pants. All the was running threw my head was "i jujust freaking peed for god sakes"

I jumped out of bed and finally realized my water was breaking at 225am even though i was supposed to be induced 7 that night. I went to the bathroom once again and sat there for a minute, my heart racing. I mean for a first time mom i realized i wasnt ready for what was to come. I woke my SO and he was literally out of bed and dressed before i could comprehend what was happening. My mind was all over the place.

He blew threw a red light just to get to the hospital. He dropped me off and went to park the car. I walked into the Er pressing my knees together and bent over like a old lady 😂. They made me sit in a wheel chair while they asked me what was wrong and took my vitals. I had to tell them that my water was still leaking all over their chair and er floor. Finally they took me up to labor and delivery. They got me and room and attempted to hook me up on the monitor. Now my kid is a very stubborn and sassy child, shes been like that since day one of being in the womb. It took them over a hour just to get her heart beat to stay on the screen since she was not about to let anyone hear her.

I had contractions but nothing extremely bad. I took the pain medicine and slept most of the day. My contractions got worst that night and i was looking at having a c section if things didnt approve. They told me that since theres a higher chance of me having a c section i should get the epidural now. (The worst thing ive ever done in my entire 22 years of life)

So i caved and got it done. Now i have one of those "No"backs as the anesthesiologist had said but they tried the epidural anyway. Now they must have hit a nerve or something because it felt like the left side of my body had been hit with a extreme amount of electricity. I was begging them to stop. They finally got it after 30 fucking minutes of trying. Well i laid in bed and it was only working on the left half of my body i could still feel my right side but couldnt feel the contractions. My doctor placed me on a internally monitor and learned that my cervix wasnt changing and my babys head was stuck. After 24 miserable hours i only dilated to a 3/4 so we were told i had to have a c section which i figured anyhow. They took me to the or and because there was complications with my epidural i was to be put under ao my SO wasnt allowed in the OR. As they are preping me i started to throw up. Now i couldnt move off the table to be able to bend over they had to suction my mouth out like i was at the freaking dentist....

Now this was at 3am on the 18th. I didnt wake up till about 9 am. My child wasnt in my room like they told me she would. I didnt get her till about 930/10 oclock. I didnt care that she wasnt in the room when i woke up because once i got her it wasnt worth being mad. She was perfect! Turns out she was on a breathing tube for 10 minutes since she had got a full dose of anesthesia.

Oh and trust me it doesnt stop there. I was in postpartum room for maybe 2 hours before i started to hemorrhage. That was the worst thing in the world. Sitting there thinking what could happen. Thankfully the doctor was able to stop it right in my room after about 30 minutes. I also delvoped a spinal headache from the shitty epidural.

In the end she has been the most beautifully perfeft thing i could have ever asked for.

Weighing in at 9lbs 13 oz and 21 inches long. My beautiful princess Ava Elaine

And now shes 4 weeks old