boyfriend makes me feel bad

I facetimed him today and hes all nasty because he was playing video games which i didnt know. He was like "well im busy and you ruined my fun" i was like why did you answer and he said because if he didnt i would get mad... i was like are you kidding i never get mad at him and if he called/texted me that he was busy i wouldnt care. This happens so many times and he always puts me down i dont understand what his deal is? What do i do now i feel bad for interrupting his time 
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Posted at
Take ur time elsewhere ☺️ be obviously doesn't appreciate it leave the child to play his games 


Posted at
You shouldn't feel bad he should be the one feeling bad. Not to sound rude but I dont think he is as interested in you as you are in him and you dont need someone like that in your life x


Posted at
Time is precious, make yours count.


Posted at
First of all no need to feel bad. If he wants to be an ass then you let him do that by his damn self. It is a lovely Friday. Go out with your friends, go chill with your family. Go be fun and when he calls you tell him he's ruining your fun lol