Anyone else crazy like me?! πŸ˜‚

Anna β€’ 22, FTM βœŒπŸΎπŸ’œ Azalia Ann I can't wait too meet you😘
My boyfriend brought me Orange sherbet instead of Raspberry. I genuinely shed a tear πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜‚πŸ˜©πŸ˜© feel crazy about it now but ehh oh well.  πŸŠπŸ“πŸ’πŸ§
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I called my boyfriend a few min before he came home from work to ask him to go to the gas station to get me a chili dog before he got home. This is how the convo wentHim: hey babyMe: are u almost homeHim: wouldn't u like to knoMe: seriously are u almost homeHim: I might beMe: ahhhh y r u playing so much how much longer till u get hereHim: home is where the heart isI couldn't even ask him to get it for me bc I cursed his ass out while I am sobbing on the phone bc he was playing with my emotionsπŸ˜‚


Anna β€’ Sep 17, 2016
😩😩😹😹😹 I can't lol didn't even get to tell him about ya food. I think my bf been cursed enough time now to know not to play too much!


Ty β€’ Sep 17, 2016


Marchell β€’ Sep 17, 2016


Posted at
The store didn't have chocolate chocolate chip muffins. I yelled at my dog and he looked hurt. My son was playing and pushed my arm of the arm rest we were sharing. My mom came to help me pack to move but left after 30 minutes and never put a thing into a box, just stood and talked. Every commercial with a baby.Every movie that ends happy. Or sad. A lone horse in a pasture with only a tree to stand under. I missed the green light to get to taco bell.I left my water bottle at the front door and didn't want to buy a stupid plastic one. No one showed up to help us move even tho we are everyone's go to doers. Need money? Need tech help? Need free labor? Need a truck? A ride? Tailoring? Automotive repairs? A sitter? We're always there for ppl but no one has our backs. That one stung. Hormones are real, ppl!


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Asked my SO to get me some chocolate chip cookies that I can bake from Kroger before he left the house. On his way to the store which is 5 minutes away I sent a text reminding him to get the cookies and everything else we need. He comes home with applesauce and quinoa bread 😭😭😭 I asked where the hell my cookies was and he said he forgot them and was mad at me because I was crying and mad at him. 


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My mom made me some oatmeal & it was too thick, so I cried.. A lot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜


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Seen my brother best friend drinking a monster energy drink, I started crying hard because I wanted it while crying I started laughing because I'm crying over a energy drink like really. Was so weird to be crying and laughing at the same time


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My husband surprised me with a new handbag while he was out of town and I cried while calling him to thank him! 


✨Amy✨ β€’ Sep 17, 2016
Hahahahah yes he was stunned by the years and panicked that I didn't like it! Hahahaha


Anna β€’ Sep 17, 2016
πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ Dang lucky ! Tears of joy tho right? Ha


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We ran out of vegemite lol


Anna β€’ Sep 17, 2016
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ food is so serious


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I cried over my ex cuz he got with my ex best friend and I was hurt now I'm thinking good let him show her how he really acts so she knows I was lying.


Anna β€’ Sep 17, 2016
Girl yes let her make her own mistakes ! Hope you feeling better tho😊