Super Cool Gyno

Had an awesome gyno experience. Went to see a nurse practitioner for some general irritation. Turned out to be just lifestyle changes causing ph changes. Didn't know that could happen but I guess any things possible. But anyways I'm a third year undergrad. I'm doing premed. And I always talk to my gynos because Im just a talkative person. So I mentioned school and she asked me about my major and I told her I'm actually pre med and going to be an OB-Gyn one day. She was pretty psyched. But I got some info about the field and she even got a mirror and showed me my own cervix. I know I should have looked at it before but I've always felt to awkward to take a look. I was pretty shocked and to be frank, grossed out. But the whole visit got me even more excited about my career path. And ready to learn more about the wonderful world of reproductive organs:) haha I know this is random but just thought I'd share.