My Birth Story
Hi ladies! Thought I would share how my baby came into this world last night. Sorry so long, I left bits and pieces out to try to shorten. I went in for my final appointment 9/15 at 39 and 6. Around 6 pm ( doc and I had decided last week to do induction in a this week). He hooks me up to the NST and asks me if I am feeling contractions- I shrugged my shoulders and said, well yeah I guess (been feeling these guys since 36 weeks). He said I was in active labor, was 3 cm dilated, and that there was no need for induction! He then asked if I wanted to head over to L&D. I said no I will go home first cuz I felt fine- well. By 12:00ish I couldn't take it anymore and asked my SO to drive me to the hospital. I was worried they would send me back home. Woke up my 12 year old, got him to grandmas, and off we went. We checked in at 12:40, I walked up to the unit. They put me on the monitor. The nurse asked me how often I was getting contractions. I said, proably every 3-5 minutes I guess. The resident came in and checked me. Told me I was only 4 cm, baby was at -1, and I was 80% effaced- ok long night ahead of us. She asked if I wanted an epidural. YES I said. But since I was only at 4 cm, I opted for IV meds. At which that time the resident told me no because my contractions were too close together, but to take the epidural. Well I was mad, but I figured I would try to wait it out a little longer. Contractions kept coming closer and I started to get super annoyed with the million questions upon admission- I know they were doing their job, I was just in pain and felt super uncomfortable. So at this point I said, ok epidural time. She checked my cervix and was told I was only at 5 cm. she called anesthesiologist. 10 minutes later I was screaming for epidural and felt the urge to push. The nurse looked at me with a sort of "yeah right" kind of stare. But she said, I will check you with the next contraction. Well... I was complete. NO epidural for me. It was the best/worst exerience of my life. I KNOW I screamed so loud I scared everyone on the labor floor. Moral of the story, you want the epidural ladies, get it. From entering the door to delivery time was 2 hrs 20 minutes. We are SO much stronger than we know!!! Congrats all you new momma s and mommas to be!!!💙❤️💚💜

Cameron James Boleslaw
8lb 3 oz 20 in ❤️💜💚😁
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