over it

Alea • 💙Baby boy born March 2018 : Baby girl born September 2019 💜
So for a while I have felt like my relationship is ending.. Our sex life went to almost nothing and if I bring it up he brings up my past, my driving suddenly started making him car sick and he complains about it, he actually becomes verbally abusiv and recently he's actually laid his hands on me... It was at that moment I realized I couldn't stay, he had crossed a line I couldn't accept.... We got in a fight and I told him I wanted to leave, he won't let me, blocks the door or will pick me up and keep me in a room until we "work it out"... All my stuff is at his place and I'm even driving his car, I want to leave but I'm worried I have to leave everything behind and I still care enough to worry how he would react to finding me gone.