How can I get over it?

Last year, my SO and I were in the talking stage. During this stage we both agreed we'd date monogamously, but I fell off the wagon and slept around. I told him about this before we even became official and we split for about a month. He then asked me to be his girlfriend months later. 1.5 years later, he tells me that during that "break" he dated someone else and did stuff with her. Of course, now hearing it as his gf it hurt a lot to imagine him with someone else, seeing as I had been his first and only, clearly not anymore. I know I practically don't have the right to be mad at this because I did the same, but I just can't get it out of my head 😔 I feel like I just learnt he cheated on me recently.. I love him and don't want to leave him though. We actually plan to be married next October. What do I do? 
How do I get over it? (comment)

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