Bennett Ray

Lisa • Bennett Ray 9/14/16 💙💙💙 Baby Girl Due 5/1/20 💖💖💖
My October 25th baby became a Sept 14th baby! :( My water broke in the middle of the night and Bennett arrived at 7:22 pm, over 18 inches long and weighing 4 lbs 14 oz.  He gave us quite the scare, he had no heartbeat and wasn't breathing when he was born by emergency c-section.  We must have had some angels watching over us that night 💙 He has been doing well and is making steady progress, he has been removed from all breathing assistance and received a blood transfusion yesterday.  I haven't been able to hold him at all yet due to being hooked up to so many cords and tubes, and it's just killing me.  Trying to pump what I can, but I'm really not accomplishing anything yet. :/  Please pray that he continues to improve and that we get to take our little Bennett home soon!