
Jacquelyne • Live, Laugh, Learn. 💕
I took the DNA test yesterday and I was scared because I know my son is the original father I was a month already which was December 28,2015 my last cycle was November 16,2015 the DNA had to be set from the get go because I had inter course with someone else on December 31, 2015 used protection but the condom broke and some of his sperm ejaculated inside me. it's just to much stuff is going on in my head and the other man I had inter course with I do not talk to him at all when I had inter course with him I was 6 weeks and 3 days before than I was having sex with the original father Non stop like twice a week and he kept ejaculating inside me constantly and I really do not want to look stupid when get the results back.  Maybe I am over thinking to much . Someone help me.