When to....

Ash • Happily married and blessed to have welcomed our TWIN BOYS via IVF a year ago in March of 2017! 💛🔬🍍👶🏼👶🏼
When to get my hair done? I haven't gone to get my hair high lighter since before we started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I usually get a toner too, but I already know that's a no no! Is anyone still dying/highlighting their hair? 
When to get my nails done. I have been going to get a polish change on my toes and just clear on my nails but I miss gel nail polish bc it lasts much longer than normal polish. Or how do you feel about acrylics? I had them before we started TTC but haven't since. I kinda miss them. Any words of advice is most appreciated!