Rude or no??

CS • First time mommy of the most amazing little girl💖
Our next door neighbor has anywhere from 6 to 8 dogs at any given time, and they bark all the time at everything. It's been going on since we moved in over a year ago. We've talked to the neighbor politely about it (not the most cooperative lady), we've talked to our landlords (very influential people in our community) and we've even talked to animal control (who basically told us we needed to record the barking and then our neighbor would be fined $100 per day of the dogs barking- we're not assholes so I was hoping to avoid that.) The lady's house is on a hill and her property is fenced in with a gate at the bottom, so there isn't a way for us to knock on her door to talk to her, and she has an unlisted phone number. 
My dilemma is that we're having my baby shower at my house in a week. (For those who would suggest we have it elsewhere, my house was the most practical location and we clearly don't have time to change the venue.)
Seeing as I don't have any way to talk to her without getting animal control involved, would it be rude of me to leave a note on the windshield of her vehicle that's parked outside her gate? I don't plan on being rude or snarky- just letting her know that we will be having this shower at my house on Saturday between 11 and 1, and if it's not too much trouble could she keep her dogs inside or in a different area of the property during that time. Her fence line comes right up against my driveway and I really don't want a pack of dogs barking at my guests as they come in or while we're on my deck. I feel like 2 hours is a pretty reasonable amount of time to ask for quiet, seeing as how we don't get to enjoy that very often!
Thoughts and ideas on this plan? Or any other suggestions for how to deal with this? 
Edited to add that I was planning on leaving my phone number on the note as well- I was thinking that way if she called me I could butter her up (I'm great at kissing ass lol) and maybe I would then have her number on my caller id so I could reach her in the future.