Am I being petty?

Schazaura Danae • Mother of three. Recent college graduate. Proud Medical Assistant. I love photography, reading, and the zombie apocalypse.

I need a bit of advice because I feel as though I'm being petty. I need some outside perspective.

So I recently went through a miscarriage. I wanted this little baby so much. I can't even describe how much I already loved that little 6 week gestation human being. But I went to my ultrasound at 9 weeks and found out that my little baby had died. I went through the process and ended up with a D&C at 12 weeks.

Anyways. In the last month since that happened, I found out that one of my SIL'S is pregnant. This is her 4th child and she didn't want anymore after 3. And then to top the cake, I found out yesterday that my sister is pregnant. She currently has a 5 month old and didn't even want another baby for a long time... So I'm feeling sad and sorry for myself because I'm not pregnant anymore and two woman I know are and they don't even want their babies. 😔 I just feel as though everything is so unfair right now. My husband is sympathetic, but he really doesn't understand how I feel.

Advice? Perspective? Judgement? I honestly feel as though I'm being petty. It's not their fault.