implantation Bleeding followed by BFP

Hi! I just hope this can help all my fellow TTCers. 
I had implantation bleeding at 8DPO. It was for about 2 days. I just took a test today 12DPO and I got my Bfp.  
I just want to post my symptoms so it can hopefully help.
1-6 dpo- I felt period like cramps and broke out terribly on my jawline,chin and forehead
7dpo- period like cramps totally thought AF was coming. 
8dpo- I was out shopping and felt "wet" went to the bathroom and I had brown discharge. It was mixed with cm
9dpo-more spotting. Brown and pinkish. Very crampy. Thought AF was starting. 
10-11dpo- cm was dry. Very crampy, stuffy nose. 
12dpo- today. Stuffy nose. Couldn't sleep last night. Cm is dry. Drove to store to get test, Felt nauseous.  
Baby dust to all! I hope this one sticks. I did
have a chemical back in June.