tmi! AF late....neg tests!

I have a 28/30day cycle. Always. We have been ttc for 2 months. This month I did not track my ovulation and we decided to just have fun with BD since I felt the stress the month before. I am now on cd38! This is 8-10 days late for AF but test keep coming back negative 😕 I usually get tell tail signs before af comes (chest acne,terrible terrible cramping, and brown spotting for about 4days ahead of time). This time nothing. About 2 weeks ago when we BD twice I noticed that I had a small amount of blood mixed in what came out of me. That only happened when we had sex twice(back to back days).  It was never enough to show up when I wiped or on my underwear. Could this have been implantation and I'm just still showing up negitive? Also if anyone sees anything in this that I can't, pleas tweak or let me know!