What would you do?


Okay Ladies, I was in Walmart earlier today buying diapers and formula for my daughter. I saw a man stick a pack of diapers in his pants (the pants were so baggy and his shirt was long you couldn't tell. Think Late 90's early 2000's rapper attire) he then proceeds to grab wipes and formula as well. He sees me looking at him and says "Well I'm broke and my kid needs sh*t so I gotta do what I gotta do" I asked him to give me the formula and I paid for it for him. I didn't pay for the diapers or wipes because I'm a student, have my own kid and I'm not rich. His kid just happened to be on the same formula as my daughter and I know how bad preemies need their calories so I couldn't not buy that. Plus if he would have stolen all of it the total would have been like $100 and he would have gone to jail. Walmart's theft policy is basically anything under $50 you most likely won't be stopped.

So my question is, was I wrong for only buying the formula and letting him get away with the rest of the theft? I kind of feel bad that I "let" him steal. But I'm just as broke as he is. What would you have done?

Couple notes:

•Theft under $50 won't be stopped

•If loss prevention didn't see it but was notified, they can't stop you

•If loss prevention sees you steal but loses sight of you at any point, they can't stop you because for all they know you could have gotten scared and returned the items