
Tishara 😙😗
I find it so weird that my baby girl can sit up hold her own bottle, reach for things, say Dada and baba. But can not roll over she doesn't roll back to front or front to back.. Its just weird lol
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My son sits up, holds things perfectly, holds his own bottle, etc... ZERO interest in rolling over. I find it strange as well, but I'm not concerned. It's kinda funny and makes setting him down places easier too.


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My baby was like this too. He hated being on his belly and always spit up. So I didn't do tummy time as often as I should have. He has rolled a couple times this month but just in the last week he's all over the place. I wouldn't worry too much. Its hard not to but my theory is that they will do it when they are ready. Obviously ask the dr. to make sure they aren't concerned. Oh yah....I would lay him on his back and roll him side to side and then all the way over. He didn't like it but I "helped" him for a few weeks, now he doesn't need help.


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Does she need body work?


Tishara 😙😗 • Sep 20, 2016
oh ok.. im going to talk to her pediatrician and try it out


Thea • Sep 20, 2016
I've heard stories of kids who weren't crawling, did a session, and was crawling that day.


Thea • Sep 20, 2016
They seem a physical therapist or chiropractor and see if she has tense muscles in a certain area. My son has tight muscles in one side of his neck and with stretched and massages it's slowly getting better.