28 weeks bumps and more


Wanting to see if any other moms have anything in common with me first lets start with hometown:

Portland Oregon

Sex of baby:Having a boy

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Other kids:5 girls

Due date:Dec 16

Started nesting: yes definitely lol

Baby mixed race: yes im mixed with black, white, Indian and the dad is black, indian!!!

High risk pregnancy :yes I have a short cervix for the first time ever after 5 kids 4 vaginal, 1 c-section . and I also am a methadone patient I smoke cigarettes and I have gestation diabetes.

If there's anything else you ladies would like to compare or discuss feel free to add im just super board lol! !!! Don't forget to post your bumps or anything else like other kiddo or happy boyfriend's or husband lol ultrasound pics whatever!!!!