crying during sex and left feeling empty

hi! so my boyfriend and i have been together for two years. we have sex at least 3 times a week most of the time more and it is ALWAYS great. like any another couple, we argue sometimes, sometimes over silly stuff. we had a recent argument because he was jealous of a co worker but i reassured him. we work a lot and i have school but we still manage to see each other, i sort of half live with him. so since the incident of him being jealous, he stopped being affectionate and i got mad. i told him that he never says he loves me or misses me. he's not an affectionate guy and i knew that from the beginning, i'd rather have that then a clingy boyfriend. he occasionally does but sometimes he doesn't. lately i've been very emotional, i thought i was pregnant but i wasn't. so i was freaking out over everything. so we ended up hashing it out, but the thought of him barley telling me how he feels still got the best of me. we just had sex and i cried, but i made sure he didn't see me. i wasn't as into it, but it was still great sex and i had orgasms. but after sex i felt empty and lonely and i started crying. this is the second time this has happened in the past 6 months. can someone tell me what they think it is or gone through this? thanks. and sorry for the long tmi.