water broke at 30 weeks and 3 days.

Two days ago my water broke while I was in bed. I swore up and down I just peed myself a couple of times but after calling my doctor and having a movie water breaking moment ( making a sandwich and water just pouring out of me with no control) I decided to go for the ER. Luckly, I'm not dilated but I had a tear and I'm losing amniotic fluid. The doctors say she can come when she's ready to come. There's no planning now, just whatever my Little wolf wants to do. I hope for her to stay in until I'm 34 weeks, so she has the best fighting chance but if she's not ready at 34 they want to induce me. I'm happy I get to see her sooner than November but I just want her to be healthy and ok. I'm in the hospital on bed rest till she comes  I'm trying so hard to be strong and put on a happy face but inside I'm breaking down. My first pregnancy and I can o my make it to 30 weeks before my water breaks. I know the doctors tell me there was nothing I did to cause it to break prematurely but that doesn't mean I don't take full responsibility for it. I'm so sad I cannot enjoy my last trimester at home and I have to spend it in the hospital and I really hate hospitals. 
I feel so bad for my husband because not only is he worried and not leaving my bedside, he's now having to take a month off till little wolf arrives. He's being so strong and supportive for me I love it it so much. He truly is so amazing I just wish this didn't have to happen to us but nothing is ever set in stone, right?
On top of all of this we moved to a different state one day after finding out we were pregnant. So not only in a new state and city, not knowing when she's going to be born, we have no family close enough to see our daughter born. My mother is my best friend and now the idea of her not being here is so nerve wrecking for me but she really want to be her for when she's born so she can help with the after care of birth. Which will be so helpful but also breaking my great that she won't be here. I want to tell her to come for the birth but we just don't know when that will be and an 18 hour isn't a fast one. I wanna smile for knowing my little wolf is ok and strong right now but I am breaking inside with everything that's happening. 
Last picture I got before my water broke. I wish I could have gotten more 😭