Who to choose?

Soooo I'm talkin to two people. Sadly I only want to talk to one of them. I've known Ron since middle school. But we've never dated just liked each other. I met Craig last month and he claims to love me. Me and Ron have had on and off communication because I was in a relationship with someone who turned out to be an asshole. Craig and I talked almost everyday. Ron is a freshman in college and Craig is still in high school. When Ron and I talk he complements me and apologizes for not getting the chance to talk to me. When Craig doesn't talk to me he's just meh about it like he doesn't really care. Craig is sweet at times like he thinks I'm pretty and funny but doesn't express it as much. Ron told me he deserves to be with me because he's waited for me this long. Craig told me that he wants to wait and wants me to wait for him.

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