formula feeding

Came across this on Facebook :) 
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I'm choosing not to breast feed at all, and I can't wait to get all the grief from family and friends. I just don't want to do it, it's not for me. May sound selfish but I just don't produce much. I struggled breast feeding my daughter years ago and it's almost like I was getting mad at her because I just couldn't do it. She would be on my boob non stop and I'd pump in between feedings and nothing. My boobs never even leaked or became engorged with milk EVER when she had her first doctors appointment 2 weeks later she lost more weight than the average infant normally does. My pediatrician gave me a can of formula in the office right then and there and you can tell he hated doing so because he was all for breast feeding. He "said don't do this to yourself, I've seen moms work themselves into depression feeling like they can't feed their babies" I went home with my screaming infant in the back seat and once we got home I made her a bottle while I was in tears. She sleeped for 6 hours straight and before she had only been sleeping 2 tops even at night. My daughter is now 7 years old and she is just as smart and strong as a breast fed child. She would never get sick or anything! Still doesn't! I hate how women act like the women who don't breast feed are not in fact woman at all and are less of a mother! 


Kasey • Sep 20, 2016
You do you momma! You know best! I plan to formula feed as well, I have to be put back on some medications after I have my son and don't want to risk my son. I have to be healthy as well. You are doing great! 😊


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I'm breastfeeding and I love this!! I hate when shame mothers for not doing certain things. A FED BABY IS A HAPPY BABY 🙂


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Love this! When I became pregnant, I had this glamorous notion that I would be going completely natural from delivery to breastfeeding. Well guess what? By 3 cm dilated with a sunny side up baby, I was hollering for that epidural. After two weeks postpartum, nursing became so painful that I was literally in tears and depressed as hell. I decided to pump and alternate formula feedings. Now I plan on weaning her off breast milk and switching to exclusively formula feeding. I plan on returning to my fitness and nutrition regimen to train for the 2018 NYC marathon. I believe that self care (mental, emotional and physical) are important so that you can be the best mom possible. At the end of the day, if your child is happy and healthy, that's all that matters. No matter what means it takes to get there. End the judgement.