Why am I gaining so much weight????

When I found out I was pregnant (at 4 weeks) I was 141.8....which is pretty normal for me. Today, at 8 weeks, I was 146.4. I eat healthy snacks (nutrigrain bars, raisens, yogurt, dry cereal), breakfast (either an English muffin or a granola bar), a small lunch (cheese sandwich), and one portion at supper. Even then, at supper I get full super fast and can't eat as much as I usually do. Why am I gaining so much weight. I've read that your not supposed to gain hardly anything during the first trimester. I'm so worried about my weight and what I will look like. Any answers?
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Posted at
Start putting on lots of lotion if your already gaining weight, don't worry it could be a stage you going through and maybe soon you'll remain stagnant... don't stress about it and keep eating healthy


Posted at
The body does what it does! I feel like genetics play a big role.  My mom, sister and I are all thin, fit people and we put on between 40-60 lbs during pregnancy.  As long as your blood work is good and you feel good, enjoy the buffet! 


Posted at
The doctor says i am fine with weight gain so far at 12 weeks t man am i wide this time around and fast... First 2 belly grew straight out this one not happening


Posted at
You've gained 5 lbs... you're fine.