I just about killed my fiancé!

--long story--
Yesterday he got home from work (he works full time as an electrician and commutes over an hour to work each day). So I totally get that he's exhausted, I would be too if I was him! He works so hard four our family so that I have the luxury of being a stay at home mom; and I absolutely love and appreciate everything he does for us.
Typically he is sweet, caring, and will do anything for me now that I'm pregnant.
But yesterday-we got into a disagreement about how low he wanted to set the AC(silly argument, but that's what it was over). We staarted bickering and he comes at me with "why don't you quit being lazy and actually do something around the fucking house."  RUDE! I'm 34 weeks pregnant. Have already been to L&D twice(third time was actually after this argument strangely enough) for contractions that wouldn't stop and fear of preterm labor.
He has never been pregnant. He doesn't know how difficult I'm finding this. Do I wish I could do more around the house, of course! Now the house isn't particularly disgusting. Nothing like you would see on hoarders or anything like that. I don't feel clean, that's out of the question. I wash and dry laundry, but putting it away doesn't always happen. I typically don't do the dishes everyday...I wait 2-3 days until their is a full dishwasher load. And I don't pick up the dog toys every night. But it's not like I have rotting food sitting out and heaps of garbage.
But to say something like that just really pissed me off.
It's not like I spend my time running around shopping and doing luxurious things. I roll around my house like an upside down turtle all day.
I'm carrying around an extra 30lbs.
I'm always swollen and puffy.
I don't get any quality sleep at night-so I rest all day.
My back hurts.
I'm just generally uncomfortable....pregnancy is not my friend!
So the fact that he would say that and just make me feel like absolute 💩 was the worst thing...and I almost killed him!