Give me courage

This is a long story but I will make this short. I broke up with my boyfriend about a week ago. Since then he hasn't stop harrassing me, and today was the climax. 
I went out to have lunch with my friend, I didn't drive so I took the train. On my way home, when I got off the train and walk to the exit gate, I noticed someone was coming closer and closer next to me and when I look up it was him. I didn't notice him before, I had my headphone on as well. So he then asked me where I been and took my phone. I walked home and keep asking him to give my phone back but he wouldn't. Long story I managed to get my phone back after I gave him all his clothes and told him to leave me alone. He keep wanting to talk and I refused because I just can't deal with him anymore. So long story short I thought he was gone, so I drove to the shop to get some bread! And then drove back home only to find him in the middle of my road and stopping my car. I told him to move and leave me alone. I had to stay in the car for hours as I wouldn't let him in and locked the car. At that point I didn't want to talk to him or even see his face. Because I refused to let him in the car or inside my house, he broke my wing mirror both side and my screen wiper. He threw it at me (I'm inside the car) and left. He has threaten to kill me. Now I'm worried because I can't drive my car which mean I have to walk and I become more vulnerable. I don't have the courage to report him to the police. I don't know what to do. He has taken pic of my house and my car. I'm so lost, I just want him to leave me alone and let me get on with my life. 
Sorry this is long. Thanks for reading this. I appreciate any feedback... Thank you.