I need to complain to someone other than a male that doesn't understand 😂

So over this lol. Anyone else to the point where they're starving, but so full of baby. Have to poop, but can't when you can go? Don't know whether it hurts more when you have to pee really bad or it hurts worse after you pee. Anyone else's muscles just tearing at the slightest move? Can't sleep. Can't do anything. This ain't my first rodeo but come on. 29 weeks today and ready to speed up time. I know this is expected but if I sit in one position for too long my hips are being cracked open with the jaws of life. I know I'm not alone. Anyone have anything else to complain about? Let's get it out now, haha. Screw 'where are you Christmas?', where are you December 6th?