Easiest delivery


On Monday I went in to be induced. It was a fast process. We arrived at 5:00 am got us all checked in. Around 5:30 a nurse came in to start my IV. It took 3 different nurses and 5 tries to finally get it. We almost where sent home but thankfully I agreed to allow the nurse to try her 3rd time to get it in. That process took until 6:45 am.

The nurse then called my doctor to get orders. They started my pitocin at 7:15 am they started it off at a 3 instead of at a 1. Thankfully I was actually having regular contractions through out the night and they started off just like those ones.

Around 8:30 my doctor came in and checked me, I was at 1 1/2 cm. She broke my water then and continued to crank up the pitocin. Before I knew it the contractions where becoming really painful. Around 10:30 I received the epidural. I was at 4 cm. The epidural was actually pretty painful this time around but so worth it after it was started. I was finally able to sleep. And I did until around 1:30 pm. My fiance would push my button every now and then for me so I wouldn't have to wake up to push it.

Around 1:45 my nurse checked me. The babies head was right there 10 cm 100% effaced. She had me do a practice push. The doctor arrived around 2:00 and took about 14 minutes to get suited up. She literally sat down and the babies head made its way out with a contraction. She told me to bear down and push lightly to get the shoulders out and that was it.

He weighed 6 lbs 11 oz.