Today I Had My First Gynecologist Visit

I'm posting this in hopes it will reach other ladies out there who have jitters when it comes to gynecologist visits! I'm 23 years old and I have been putting off my first visit for 6 years. I'm a very private person and was not at all comfortable with the idea of anyone, even a medical professional, seeing my private parts. I grew up in a house where sexuality was not discussed and it was considered "dirty" to talk about genitalia. Thus, I have always been very uncomfortable with the idea of an internal gynecological exam. Within the last year, I found myself in a wonderful relationship with a man who makes me feel comfortable when talking about my body. We decided to take our relationship to the next level, and I needed an exam to get birth control. After six whole years of putting it off, today I experienced my first exam. Let me tell you, it was no where near as bad as I expected it to be. Sure, it's a little weird, but the doctor knew that full well and was very polite and understanding when I told her I was nervous and had put it off for so long. The whole exam was over in less than 5 minutes and I'm no longer afraid. I finally overcame this fear, and if you struggle with similar issues, I promise you, YOU CAN DO IT. I have severe anxiety and I feel more empowered and in control of my body and my health. 
Please don't put it off any longer! Ask around and find a reputable professional. Be upfront about your nervousness. A true professional will understand, and they won't shame you for being scared!
Here's to better health and less stress!