painful zit on labia minora

I didn't see a post on this, but here's some info in case a girl comes across this and has questions. (I found a google search lead to some bad advice)
1) It will feel like a bump under the skin (not a white head zit)
2) it will almost always be painful. It'll hurt to sit or walk or wipe.
3) DO NOT POP IT! It will go away rather quickly, I promise! You do not want to risk infection by forcing it to pop before its due. It will pop on its own. 
4) make sure you keep it clean. Soap and water, witch hazel, coconut oil all will do the trick. 
5) After a day or two it will pop on its own. It will bleed quite a bit. Just clean it up, wash it, apply witch hazel or coconut oil and it'll heal in a day. 
Hope this helps anyone who finds a mysterious growth in their under regions for the first time. I've had the unfortunate luck of experiencing it twice now in my life 😩