the great "ie" vs. "ey" debate

I need help!!!! We are naming our baby boy Charl(ey) (ie). 
My husband and I both have grandpas by that name and love the idea of an "old fashioned" family name. 
I feel like "ey" is more "boyish" but my husband thinks "ie" is more boyish. 
My grandpa is ey, his grandpa is ie......
My point was that charl(ey)(ie) wasn't even used as a girl name until much more recent... I know all kinds of older men named Charley/Charlie.... Don't know any old ladies named that.... So there clearly is no correct boy vs girl spelling... 😊 unless you did the obvious "charleigh" or "Charlea"...I think those are girly versions. 
HELP!!!!! Please!! 😊
Also, not trying to offend anyone by being "gender specific"...... Just sayin.