couples counselling

Anyone have any advice regarding couples counselling? 
My boyfriend and I have a 6 month old daughter together but we are going through some really hard times. We have been together 3 years and a half now and we have always had issues. We broke up over them once and he begged me to come back, but it seems like all those things are still in the middle of us. I know I'm not perfect and that it takes two people to create and sustain resentment, but I am more than willing to hear him out, make changes and work on our relationship. Our daughter is worth it. He says he loves me and doesn't want to lose me but he does nothing to work on this with me. I tell him what I need in this relationship and he doesn't even try. It's gotten to the point that ok demanding couples therapy or I'm gone. I can't keep talking to a wall. He has no idea how to identify his feelings so he can't talk to me about why he acts so selfishly. It's been almost two weeks now that he is supposed to find a therapist (I would do it myself but he is nervous about it and wants to find a good fit and I want him to play an active role in all this) and he hasn't done a thing yet. I'm so hurt and pissed off that he doesn't seem to care if we work on this or not. I spend last weekend st a friends with my baby and am considering doing the same this weekend unless he has taken some steps to prioritize our relationship. 
I know you all can't say much about this but I just feel so lost as to how to get him to take all this seriously. He just seems stuck.