Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Long story short... I went to the hospital yesterday and found out I had a severe kidney infection. I was there all day getting lots of antibiotics, pain medication, and fluids. I told my boyfriend of almost a year that I wanted him to stay home from work (he works nights). He said "No, I took last week off and Monday off" ( he took those days off for a new job and a funeral). I get home from the hospital and he's at home sleeping, when he gets up he tells me "My buddy called and we're going fishing in Canada until Sunday." I told him that if he decides to go I won't be happy. Soooowhat  does he do?? He wakes up this morning doesn't even ask if I'm doing ok, packs his bag and leaves WITHOUT saying goodbye or even a hug while I was so sick that I was laying on the couch with a bucket next to me. I finally told him that this weekend trip of his is a good time for us to take a break. Should I stay with him, or should I leave him??